04 March 2019
There are BIG changes at Parva Plants 2019 Autumn/Winter Catalogue.
- This season we have changed our pots.We have doubled our pot size from the old 9cm to new 1L pots.
- Because of the new pots, in some cases our plants are more than double the size compared to the equivalent plant in a 9cm pot.
- Even though the pots are twice the size they contain less plastic which is better for the environment.
- The new larger grade plants have a much bigger root structure which means they don’t suffer as much shock when planting out. They also don’t dry out as fast when getting established in the garden.
- You can also expect better survival rates when planting out.
- This season we have more stock available. There will still be some varieties that we can only secure a limited number of plants but mostly this season there be better stocks.
The Team at Parva are really proud of the new larger grade plants and we hope that you will be thrilled when you receive your order.
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